"The quality of learning materials, the level of interaction and communication, and above all the warmth and support that you and all the staff at Cleves have provided during these difficult times has been nothing short of remarkable."

School Meals

Hello from Pabulum, Cleves' new school meals provider.

Our nutritious school lunches are prepared in our on-site kitchen by qualified Pabulum staff. Each half term a letter is sent to parents advising them of the forthcoming half term's cost of the lunches, which can be paid for on-line at anytime. Free school meals can be applied for via the Welfare Office. School meals cost £2.60 per day. Please see the menu for this half term. 

Menu January to July 2025

We have introduced a new 'Enjoy' menu for Year 5 and Year 6 children, available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This can be booked via SCOPAY.  

If your child has dietary requirements (e.g. dairy allergy, gluten-free) please complete a dietary form which is linked below and return to school.  We will formulate a personalised menu in conjunction with Pabulum. 

Dietary Form 

For those pupils bringing a packed lunch to school, pupils should have a sturdy named box (no plastic bags please) for their lunch. No fizzy drinks or glass bottles are allowed. We urge parents to provide a nutritionally balanced packed lunch. Please note that we are a nut free school therefore please observe our no Nuts, Sesame Seeds, Seaweed & Hummus policy.

In February 2024 Elmbridge Borough Council visited to carry out a Food Hygiene Inspection and, once again, our kitchen was awarded the maximum 5 stars *****.

If you have any queries regarding school lunches, please contact mlockyer@cleves.co.uk or aclements@cleves.co.uk

Important Information - Allergens in Food

From 13 December 2014, the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation (EU FIC) came into force. These European rules will be enforced in the UK by the Food Information Regulations 2014 (FIR). This Legislation brings big changes to the information that food business must give to customers and you will see evidence of this in all food outlets within the UK.

On a day to day basis the legislation has little impact on the food service as the School have implemented a robust system gathering allergy and food intolerance information about each and every child within the school on enrolment. The changes you will see is more information readily available and displayed on menus around the school.

Where pupils help themselves to dishes we have implemented a series of “look allergen” cards alerting to the fact the product does contain an allergen and this will help in assisting the children to recognise ingredients more readily not only for allergen purposes but as a general educational tool.

Our Chef Manager, has  a database of recipes to refer to on site to ensure all of the allergen information is documented and double checked before the dishes are served to the pupils and staff on site.

You can find out more about FIR here: http://www.food.gov.uk/science/allergy-intolerance

If you have any concerns regarding the implementation of the legislation and how it affects your child please contact the School directly and we can arrange to have your queries answered.

At Cleves School we adhere to a strictly No Nuts policy due to the high number of allergies amongst our pupils. Please contact the School Office if you wish to discuss any aspect of the lunch hour.

 Allergens Menu January 2024 to January 2025

Free School Meals

If you think your child could be eligible for Free School Meals please click the link below to download the application form, which should be returned to Mrs Pyott (jpyott@cleves.co.uk), Welfare Officer.

Free School Meals Application Form

Learning Together