“I’m delighted with my son’s progress this year; he has shown interest and independence which sets him in a great position for secondary school.”


The PTA organises and runs fund-raising and social activities that enrich the school experience for all our children, and also for the parents that get involved. If you have a child at Cleves you are automatically a member of the PTA, and you don't need to be on the committee to attend meetings or help run events. Everyone is welcome, and all help is greatly appreciated. If you would like to get involved, please email: pta@cleves.co.uk

Roles of the Committee

Chair - to Chair PTA meetings and generally help as much as you wish with events

Vice Chair – to support Chair and help at PTA events

Secretary - To take minutes at PTA meeting and distribute.

Treasurer - To assist with floats and counting money from all events and report back on these to PTA meetings. Apply for licences for events.

Class Reps Co-ordinator – to be the link between the PTA and the Class Reps

Quarter Master – to keep track of stocks in PTA cupboard and make purchases for events as required.

Fireworks Co-ordinator - Someone to organise and run (with help) our biggest fundraiser. Delegate key roles to volunteers and generally ensure everything is in place for the event.

Committee Members 2023 - 24

  • Chair - Charlotte Dury

  • Vice Chair - VACANT

  • Co-Treasurer - Tom Wicka / Ruth Paisley

  • Secretary - Jo Williams

  • Class Rep Co-ordinator - Jessica Forster

  • Quartermaster - Juju Constantino

  • Secondhand Uniform Co-ordinator - Juju Constantino


PTA meetings are held approximately every half term. They are usually on a Tuesday at 7pm, lasting about an hour, in the Sports Hall Classroom which is just off the foyer of the Sports Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend any meeting.

Minutes from previous meetings:

24th January 2023

21st March 2023

9th May 2023

21st September 2023

15th November 2023

27th February 2024


All meeting minutes available on request by contacting pta@cleves.co.uk


Please find below a list of upcoming events organised by the PTA for the rest of this academic year. Please note that plans may change  - you can keep up to date via the Evening News emails, communication from your class reps and the school calendar, as further information on events will be shared as we approach them.

Spring Term
Friday 17th March - mufti day
Saturday 18th March - Quiz

Summer Term
Tuesday 23rd May - Fete in the Field
Saturday 24th June - Ball at Brooklands Museum
Friday 7th July - disco for years 3,4,5
Friday 14th July - Leavers disco for year 6.

Please find further information about these events, including proposed costs, in the document below:

PTA Events 2022-2023

Fund Raising Summary 

2020/2021   £19,768

2019/2020   £22,355

2018/2019​   £32,835

2017/2018   £45,114

Please see the link below for a breakdown of the amounts raised and money spent during the year. 

PTA Accounts

Document Links 

PTA Newsletter May 2022

PTA Newsletter December 2021

PTA newsletter September 2021

PTA Treasurers report 20/21

PTA Treasurers report 19/20


Learning Together