"The quality of learning materials, the level of interaction and communication, and above all the warmth and support that you and all the staff at Cleves have provided during these difficult times has been nothing short of remarkable."

Sports Premium

At Cleves we welcome the government funding for Primary PE for the coming academic year. We are allowed to spend the money how we see fit but it is ring fenced and therefore must be spent on the provision of PE. We have received £23,200 for this academic year. This is as a result of money raised from a levy on soft drinks being spent on doubling the primary school PE and sport premium.

In September 2017 we were proud to be awarded the Gold School Games Mark for the fifth year running and in January 2018 we found out that we are now only one of 104 schools in the country to be awarded the prestigious Platinum award. This was automatically renewed in September 2018 and was once again awarded in September 2019 and July 2022. This not only recognises the large numbers of children who participate in competitive sport at Cleves but also celebrates the strong leadership, outstanding sporting provision at the school and in particular the number of extra curricular clubs children at Cleves participate in. A fantastic achievement.

We have continued to refer to the Youth Sport Trust toolkit to help us assess the school’s provision and outcomes in PE and school sport, and as result, identify priorities. We have once again completed an audit which included analysing questionnaires sent to children and staff and holding team and staff meetings to discuss how the premium would most benefit our children. Such is the commitment towards PE/Sport and physical activity at Cleves,

As a result we have agreed to spend the money on the following:

2023-24 Sports Premium Spend (Updated July 2024)

The breakdown of the spend for 2023/24 can be viewed by clicking the link below. This now includes the evidence, impact of the spend and next steps for 2024/25 academic year.

Sports Premium Spending Plan 2023/24

2022-23 Sports Premium Spend (Updated July 2023)

In autumn 2017, the DfE commissioned the Youth Sports Trust to produce a template to report the projected spend and impact of a school's sports premium spend. This year we have once again used this template. The breakdown of the proposed spend for 2022/23 can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Sports Premium Spending Plan 2022/23

This now includes the evidence, impact of the spend and next steps for 2023/24 academic year.

2021-22 Sports Premium Spend (Updated July 2022)

In autumn 2017, the DfE commissioned the Youth Sports Trust to produce a template to report the projected spend and impact of a school's sports premium spend. This year we have once again used this template. The breakdown of the proposed spend for 2021/22 can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Sports Premium Spending Plan 2021/22

This now includes the evidence, impact of the spend and next steps for 2022/23 academic year.

Please read the above document together with the WWHSP document which can be found by clicking the link below.

WWHSP Document

2020-21 Sports Premium Spend (Updated July 2021)

In autumn 2017, the DfE commissioned the Youth Sports Trust to produce a template to report the projected spend and impact of a school's sports premium spend. This year we have once again used this template. The breakdown of the spend for 2020/21 can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Sports Premium Impact Report 2021

This now includes the evidence, impact of the spend and next steps for 2020/21 academic year. This plan was put together with COVID and the current restrictions in place but also in the hope that a greater sense of normality would return return later in the year.


2019-20 Sports Premium Spend (Updated July 2020)

In autumn 2017, the DfE commissioned the Youth Sports Trust to produce a template to report the projected spend and impact of a school's sports premium spend. This year we have once again used this template. The breakdown of the spend for 2019/20 can be viewed by the link below.

Sports Premium Spending Plan 2019/20

This now includes the evidence, impact of the spend and next steps for 2020/21 academic year.

Please read the above document together with the WWHSP document which can be found by clicking the link below.

WWHSP Document


2018-19 Sports Premium Spend (Updated July 2019)

In autumn 2017, the DfE commissioned the Youth Sports Trust to produce a template to report the projected spend and impact of a school's sports premium spend. This year we have fully utilized this template. The breakdown of the spend for 2018/19, together with the impact can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Sports Premium Spending Plan 2018/19

Please also refer to our end of year Sports Newsletter and Competitions Calendar which can both be found below, when viewing the spending plan.

Sports Newsletter

Sports Competition 2018/19


2017-18 Sports Premium Spend

Year 5&6 G&T training opportunity. These sessions will focus on the key skills that both engage and stretch the more able children. It will focus on developing leadership and overcoming challenge, as well as exposing children to different aspects of elite sport approaches. This will involve our more able Year 5/6 pupils taking part in a Surrey Outdoor Learning Development Young Leader Day at High Ashurst. This develops their ability to lead and motivate teams, as well as giving them the skills and tools to transfer back into PE and Games lessons at school.


Projected - Supply Days to attend sporting fixtures and courses: (over 15 competitions are attended throughout the school year). This will include:

  • Indoor Athletics
  • Tag Rugby
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Girls Football
  • Netball
  • Hockey
  • Dodgeball
  • Orienteering

All 690 pupils regularly take part in Intra School Sports Competitions on a half termly basis.


Entries to competitions: As a school, we enter a wide range of competitions and often reach the county finals. Competitive sport is a priority for the school and is something we would like to develop even further so that more of our teams reach National Finals.

We have also introduced a festival style approach to interschool competition. Through developing a link with two local schools, Walton Oak and Grovelands, more regular tournaments have been possible. This has increased the number of pupils who are able to represent the school in sporting competition. In addition, it has also significantly increased the opportunity for Lower School pupils to take part in interschool sports.


Days out for the PE teacher to plan, observe, prepare for Sports day, and preparation time for INSETs where necessary. Staff CPD courses attended. These include; Netball coaching, Active School Primary Conference, PE coaching for NQTs, and as yet unconfirmed courses targeting development of staff skills in PE and physical activity (with a focus on the Government Childhood Obesity Plan).


Time to create instructional videos (using Gifted and Talented pupils in particular sports) for specific skills needed in games. These can then be shown at the beginning of a PE or Games lesson, to give children a visual example of what is being taught.


Equipment to allow outstanding, high quality physical literacy to take place in all areas of PE. This includes more permanent, metal goals to enable regular matches to be played, and enables a longer term view on equipment.

Targeted equipment to be purchased, with the direct intention of encouraging less active pupils to engage in regular physical activity. This will include playground and field equipment, which can be utilised by play leaders in more structured activities at breaktimes and lunchtimes.


Medals for Running Club

This has grown from strength to strength, with over 160 children regularly attending every week. As children attend throughout the year, their distance run is logged, and when they have achieved a marathon distance, they are awarded a medal. This has resulted in an extremely enthusiastic environment, where pupils are motivated to come and run a significant distance over the year.


Caps for Play Leaders (To make them easily identifiable)

A whole school target, this year, is to target those children who are less active, following the government directive to ensure every child is taking part in at least 30 minutes of physical activity at school daily. Play Leaders are tasked with encouraging some of these more reluctant pupils - giving them opportunities to take part in more structured activities during lunchtimes.

The Play Leaders and the Running Club have played a significant role in fostering a very inclusive attitude towards sport at Cleves. They are two programmes aimed at encouraging children of all abilities to take part in regular physical activity.


To further embed healthy competition as well as belonging, we will continue with the house system throughout the school. This currently includes:

  • Intra sport competitions to take place in houses.
  • Opportunity for pupil voice/responsibility - sports captains/sports crew/etc.
  • General belonging and competition through their school life.

We will also look to deepen the pupil involvement during interhouse competitions and PE/Games lessons through ‘Learn to lead’ - a strategy enabling pupils to experience and develop their leadership skills.


Cleves is very fortunate to have a very active group of pupils who engage with a huge host of sports and clubs. To increase this number even more, and following advice from the government policy focussing on targeting less active pupils, we will employ a coach to run weekly lunchtime sessions. These sessions will focus on encouraging movement and participation in a non-threatening environment.

We have also introduced an opportunity for Year 3 children to take part in yoga sessions, which will initially run twice a week for the Autumn term.

Youth Sport Trust Active 30:30 minute scheme.

This is a further  initiative which Cleves is aiming to implement, to continue to work towards the Government Childhood Obesity Plan.

A school-wide survey was carried out, to ascertain those pupils who do not currently attend extra-curricular sports clubs, and find out what clubs might encourage them to become more active. The results of this survey will influence clubs offering at Cleves, with an added emphasis on participation and enjoyment above more competitive aspects.

Change4Life will also run on a regular basis; empowering upper school children to lead activities, and encourage lower school pupils to get involved. The outcome will be that all pupils involved will become more active during these times.


Finally, the most important part we feel the money should be spent on is to make sure we have high quality PE being taught throughout the school. The money will be used to pay for a Primary PE Specialist, releasing them to support every teacher in the school to make sure high quality physical literacy is being taught across the year groups. The plan is for teachers to be observed, team teach with the specialist and to be supported on a 1:1 basis for the needs of each individual. This will improve the confidence and competency of all staff and ensure that high quality PE is being taught at Cleves. Therefore when the funding is withdrawn the teachers at Cleves have the expertise to ensure the high standard of provision is maintained.


Total spent:


UPDATED JULY 2018 - In autumn 2017, the DfE commissioned the Youth Sports Trust to produce a template to report the projected spend and impact of a school's sports premium spend. Therefore, our full review of the impact of the spend has been recorded in this new template. For a full review of the impact of the spend, please click the link below.

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2017/18


2016-17 Sports Premium Spend

Year 5&6 G&T training opportunity. These sessions will focus on the key skills that both engage and stretch the more able children. It will focus on developing leadership and overcoming challenge, as well as exposing children to different aspects of elite sport approaches.


Projected - Supply Days to attend sporting fixtures and courses: (over 15 competitions are attended throughout the school year). This will include:

  • Indoor Athletics
  • Tag Rugby
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Girls Football
  • Netball
  • Hockey
  • Dodgeball
  • Orienteering
All pupils regularly take part in Intra School Sports Competitions.

Member of staff to attend the Best Practice Forum held by Surrey in April - new ideas and initiatives gained.


Entries to competitions: As a school, we enter a wide range of competitions and often reach the county finals. Competitive sport is a priority for the school and is something we would like to develop even further so that more of our teams reach National Finals.


Days out for the PE teacher to plan, observe, prepare for Sports day, the Football Tour to Holland and preparation time for INSETs. CPD courses attended.

CPD for Lunchtime Supervisors - To enable them to help with the new guidance of suggesting every child should get 15 mins of high quality physical activity daily. This training will enable lunchtime supervisors to lead high quality activity sessions during lunchtimes. These will be delivered to carefully targeted groups of children


Time to create instructional videos (using Gifted and Talented pupils in particular sports) for specific skills needed in games. These can then be shown at the beginning of a PE or Games lesson, to give children a visual example of what is being taught.


Equipment to allow outstanding, high quality physical literacy to take place in all areas of PE.


To further embed healthy competition as well as belonging, we will continue with the house system throughout the school. This currently includes:

  • Intra sport competitions to take place in houses.
  • Opportunity for pupil voice/responsibility - sports captains/sports crew/etc.
  • General belonging and competition through their school life.

We will also look to deepen the pupil involvement during interhouse competitions and PE/Games lessons through ‘Learn to lead’ - a strategy enabling pupils to experience and develop their leadership skills.


Finally, the most important part we feel the money should be spent on is to make sure we have high quality PE being taught throughout the school. The money will be used to pay for a Primary PE Specialist, releasing them to support every teacher in the school to make sure high quality physical literacy is being taught across the year groups. The plan is for teachers to be observed, team teach with the specialist and to be supported on a 1:1 basis for the needs of each individual. This will improve the confidence and competency of all staff and ensure that high quality PE is being taught at Cleves. Therefore when the funding is withdrawn the teachers at Cleves have the expertise to ensure the high standard of provision is maintained.


Total spent:


Left to spend:



2016/17 review and evaluation of spending - please click the link below.

Evidencing the Impact of Sports Premium 2017/18

2016/17 sports calendar - please click the link below.

PE Calendar 2016/17


2015-16 Sports Premium Spend

SOLD (Surrey Outdoor and Learning Development) Year 6 G&T training opportunity in the autumn term. These workshops focus on the key skills that both engage and stretch the more able children. It will focus on developing leadership and overcoming challenge.


Projected - Supply Days to attend sporting fixtures and courses: (over 15 competitions are attended throughout the school year). This will include:

  • Indoor Athletics
  • Tag Rugby
  • Cross Country
  • Football
  • Girls Football
  • Netball
  • Hockey
  • Dodgeball
All pupils regularly take part in Intra School Sports Competitions.

Member of staff to attend the Best Practice Forum held by Surrey in April - new ideas and initiatives gained.


Entries to competitions: As a school, we enter a wide range of competitions and often reach the county finals. Competitive sport is a priority for the school and is something we would like to develop even further so that more of our teams reach National Finals.


Primary PE & Sport Membership

A scheme run by Surrey to enhance, develop and help to optimise PE Sports Premium spending.


INSETs held to improve and update teachers knowledge of different sports:

  • Rugby INSET to be run by Harlequins Rugby Coach
  • Orienteering INSET led by Josh Jenner


Days out for the PE teacher to plan, observe, prepare for Sports day, the Football Tour to Holland and preparation time for INSETs. CPD courses attended.

(Planned attendance of OAA course to enhance orienteering and outdoor learning opportunities throughout the school)


Equipment to allow outstanding, high quality physical literacy to take place in all areas of PE.


To encourage some healthy competition as well as belonging, we plan to introduce a house system throughout the school. This will include:

  • Intra sport competitions to take place in houses.
  • Opportunity for pupil voice/responsibility - sports captains/sports crew/etc.
  • General belonging and competition through their school life.


Finally, the most important part we feel the money should be spent on is to make sure we have high quality PE being taught throughout the school. The money will be used to pay for a Primary PE Specialist, releasing them to support every teacher in the school to make sure high quality physical literacy is being taught across the year groups. The plan is for teachers to be observed, team teach with the specialist and to be supported on a 1:1 basis for the needs of each individual. This will improve the confidence and competency of all staff and ensure that high quality PE is being taught at Cleves.  Therefore when the funding is withdrawn the teachers have Cleves have the expertise to ensure the high standard of provision is maintained.


Total spent:


Left to spend:



2015-16 Sports Premium Impact Report

UPDATED JULY 2016 - Please see the link below for an end end of year Impact Report for the 2015/16 academic year and for information on the competitions we have taken part in.

Sports Premium Review 2015/16

PE Calendar 2015/16


2014-15 Sports Premium Spend

The impact of spending is displayed in bold.

Trampolining Level 1 Qualification so that more children can attend the club (over 200, hopefully)

Gifted and talented children can now be extended in trampolining lessons taught. Club has continued with PE Coordinator on maternity leave. We now have two teachers trained resulting in greater capacity long term. 210 children have attended an extra curricular trampolining club this academic year.


Supply Days to attend sporting fixtures and courses: (over 15 competitions are attending throughout the school year) Over 250 children have competed in a level 2 competition this academic year. This has included

Indoor Athletics - District Champions

Tag Rugby - District Champions

Cross Country - Year 4 and 6 District Champions

Football - Year 5 League and Cup Champions, Year 6 League Runners Up, AFC Wimbledon Kidz Cup winner, Surrey Cup Semi Finalists

Girls Football - District Cup runners up

Netball - Year 6 league runners up

Hockey - District runners up

Dodgeball - District Semi Finalists

All pupils regularly take part in Intra School Sports Competitions.

Member of staff attended the Netball training and Best Practice Forum held by Surrey in April - new ideas and initiatives gained.

In addition £400 has been put aside for a SOLD (Surrey Outdoor and Learning Development) Year 5 G&T training opportunity in the summer term. These workshops focus on the key skills that both engage and stretch the more able children. It will focus on developing leadership and overcoming challenge.


Entries to competitions: As a school, we enter a wide range of competitions and often reach the county finals. Competitive sport is a priority for the school and is something we would like to develop even further so that more of our teams reach National Finals.

As above


Enhancing the curriculum with Orienteering plaques, plans and maps designed by Josh Jenner to make sure all year groups are teaching high quality OAA.

Orienteering plaques in place with resources. INSET to be timetabled for the autumn term so all year groups can teach as part of PE.


INSETs held to improve and update teachers knowledge of different sports:

Gymnastic Inset run by Mrs Matthews

Rugby INSET to be run by Harlequins Rugby Coach

Orienteering INSET led by Josh Jenner

These INSETs have supported teachers by giving them more ideas on mini games/ warm-up activities and ways to progress gifted and talented pupils in particular. Teaching of PE/Games in Autumn term judged outstanding.


Days out for the PE teacher to plan, observe, prepare for Sports day, the Football Tour to Holland and preparation time for INSETs. CPD courses attended

Football tour to Holland planned for May 2015 involving 62 Year 5/6 pupils. This is a record number of children attending.

NQTs supported in Autumn term by PE Coordinator - all observed and were judged at least ‘Good’

Following the huge success of our new traditional vs inclusion sports day last year a repeat will again happen in June.


Equipment to allow outstanding, high quality physical literacy to take place in all areas of PE. We have bought:

2 x tunnels

4 x reverse boards

This has allowed the skills of indoor athletics to be taught in the curriculum. Competitively we won the District competition this year.

Football Posts

Allows football to be played at break and lunch time as well as competitive fixtures. This has included intra and inter competitions.



Finally, the most important part we feel the money should be spent on is to make sure we have high quality PE being taught throughout the school. The money will be used to pay for a Primary PE Specialist, releasing them to support every teacher in the school to make sure high quality physical literacy is being taught across the year groups. The plan is for teachers to be observed, team teach with the specialist and to be supported on a 1:1 basis for the needs of each individual. This will improve the confidence and competency of all staff and ensure that high quality PE is being taught at Cleves.  Therefore when the funding is withdrawn the teachers have Cleves have the expertise to ensure the high standard of provision is maintained.

This has had a significant impact on our pupils who are now more active during PE lessons whilst also developing skills of physical literacy. The support given during PE lessons has meant that staff are also now more confident in their own teaching ability. Due to Higher Education teaching programmes only providing a minimal amount of training for PE we feel it is very important that every teacher gets time with a specialist to ensure their PE lessons are the same high quality as their maths and literacy lessons.

All pupils regularly take part in Intra School Sports Competitions.

The teaching of PE was judged as outstanding in Autumn 2014.


Total spent:


Left to spend:




2013-14 Sports Premium Spend

The impact of spending is displayed in bold.

Trampolining Level 2 Qualification so that all children who attend the club (over 200 children throughout the year) can progress to their maximum ability.

Gifted and talented children can now be extended in trampolining lessons taught.                               


Supply Days for course


Newly Qualified Teachers and the PE Co-ordinator attending the Active Kids for All - Inclusive PE Training Programme to improve their knowledge of teaching differentiated PE lessons and gain confidence in their teaching so that all children have access to high quality PE.

This has been cascaded through the school by the PE Co-ordinator team teaching with all teaching staff. In a recent questionnaire 80% of teaching staff in year 3 and 4 stated that they have gained more confidence and feel that they teach lessons more confidently which  include every child by differentiating activities through STEP (Space, Task, Equipment, Pace.)  100% felt they have gained more knowledge and understanding of how to teach a high quality PE lesson and would like the support sessions to continue so that they have feedback on their own teaching.


Boccia Set to start an inclusive club for all (thanks to the Active Kids course and a pupil in year 6)

An external company have come in and taught SEND children to play Boccia. They will be competing in the Surrey Youth Games this year. This has increased the participation of SEN children attending extra curricular clubs.


Youth Sports Trust Membership. This enables us to access to the latest national information, resources, training and events that will enhance our PE and sport provision. We will also be able to contribute strategically to the national policy and be involved in the development of national programmes.


INSETs held to improve and update teachers knowledge of different sports:

  • Gymnastic Inset run by Mrs Matthews

Gymnastic equipment is now being used by all teachers. High quality gymnastics is starting to be taught.

  • Tennis Inset to be run by Duncan Willitt

(specialist tennis coach from local area)

  • Rugby INSET to be run by Harlequins Rugby Coach

Jeff Minns- Chance for Shine Cricket Programme (Year 4)

Both coaches have given up their time to coach sessions in the school to Year 3 and 4 children. This has meant more children in the lower school are now involved in competitive sport and now know high quality clubs they can attend in their local area.

The teachers have been observing and writing lesson plans to embed high quality teaching of cricket, tennis and rugby. It has given them more ideas on mini games/warm-up activities and ways to progress gifted and talented pupils in particular.





Entries to competitions: As a school, we enter a wide range of competitions and nearly always reach the county finals. Competitive sport is a priority for the school and is something we would like to develop even further so that more of our teams reach National Finals.

Indoor Athletics Team won their district and county final. The regional competition couldn’t happen because of lack of funding. Both the girls and boys football teams reached the final of the Surrey County Cup. The boys football team reached the 7aside county finals and the Year 5 netball team won their local league. A year 4 golf team have reached the Surrey finals.

£200 (including money spent on certificates and trophies)

Days out for the PE teacher to plan, observe, prepare for Sports day, the Football Tour to Holland and preparation time for INSETs.

Sports Day will now include competitive races as well as inclusive activities. This means every child in the school will have a chance of competing in a competitive competition. Races are still inclusive (if not a runner the children can compete in other events)

51 children attending football tour to Holland.


Equipment to allow outstanding, high quality physical literacy to take place on a daily basis. We have bought:

2 x trampets

4 x table tennis tables

A new club (table tennis) will start next academic year. This will allow children who don’t attend a sports club already to try something new.




Finally, the most important part we feel the money should be spent on is to make sure we have high quality PE being taught throughout the school. The money will be used to pay for a Primary PE Specialist, releasing them to support every teacher in the school to make sure high quality physical literacy is being taught across the year groups. The plan is for teachers to be observed, team teach with the specialist and to be supported on a 1:1 basis for the needs of each individual. This will improve the confidence and competency of all staff and ensure that high quality PE is being taught at Cleves.  Therefore when the funding is withdrawn the teachers have Cleves have the expertise to ensure the high standard of provision is maintained.

This has had a significant impact on our pupils who are now more active during PE lessons whilst also developing skills of physical literacy. The support given during PE lessons has meant that staff are also now more confident in their own teaching ability. Due to Higher Education teaching programmes only providing a minimal amount of training for PE we feel it is very important that every teacher gets time with a specialist to ensure their PE lessons are the same high quality as their maths and literacy lessons.


Total spent:


Learning Together