"At sport, your pupils are excellent in everything they do, their characters and how they behave and conduct themselves on the pitch is exemplary - sportsmanship, confidence and polite camaraderie."

School Day

Children can enter the school grounds and go to their classroom from 08:30 onwards. If you need to drop your child earlier they must attend the Early Risers Club - see below. Teachers are on duty from 08:30 and children must not be left unsupervised on the school site before this time.  The school car park is closed to all except staff (including pedestrians).

Children should be in their classrooms ready to start the day by 08:45.

Session One - 08:50 – 10:45
Morning Break - 10:45 - 11:00
Session Two - 11:00 – 12:15
Lunch - 12:15 - 13:15
Session Three - 13:15 – 15:15

Wrap around care - Early Risers

This is an in-house facility for children whose parents need to drop them off between 07:45-08:30 because of work commitments. The children meet in the Dining Hall or Library and are supervised until 08:30, when they can go to their classroom. 

There is a small charge of £3.50 per day, which must be paid via the online payment facility.  Places need to be booked in advance.

During the day

If you are picking up or dropping your child off during the school day, or coming into school for a meeting or to help in class please be aware that parking restrictions apply outside the school. There is no parking on the school side of Oatlands Avenue between 10:00-12:00, but you can park on the Church side between 09:30-14:30.


Lunchtime runs from 12:15-13:15, and there are five sessions (session 1 for clubs and sessions 2-5 for year groups on rotation).  For the first two weeks Y3 pupils attend session 1 with an extra 15 minutes to help them get used to the new routine.  Menus are varied and nutritiously balanced with a wide choice of food, and we actively encourage children to make a variety of choices particularly from the Salad Bar.   All menus are on a three-week rotation.  They are also available to view at Reception, and the current week's menu is displayed at the entrance to the Dining Hall.  School meals MUST be booked 72hrs in advance. If there is no lunch booked, children need to bring in a packed lunch. 

Menu January to July 2025

In the afternoon

School finishes at 15:15 and the gates are opened at 15:10.  If collecting by car, you should park on the school side of Oatlands Avenue where space allows - do not double/triple park or park on zigzags.  Please use the pedestrian crossing at all times if crossing the road.

If your collection arrangements change, please try and ensure your child knows what these are before they come to school. If things change at the last moment, or you think you may be late, please call the school before 15:00 if possible to allow us time to get a message to your child. 

Please emphasise to your child that if you have not arrived after 10-15 minutes they should come to Reception and we will contact you. Children should not wait alone outside the school grounds.

Wrap around care - GAP Club

GAP is our child-centred After School Club, which runs from 15:15-18:00 Monday to Friday. Our ethos is based on providing children with a safe and fun environment where they can unwind from a hard working school day.

We offer a number of different indoor and outdoor activities, from table top, board and computer games to outdoor facilities that cater for playing football, rounders, basketball, cricket, scooting and lots more. We organise special events and cooking activities every month delivered by our own 16-strong playworker team and/or our external activity partners.

Children can attend on a full or part time basis and are given healthy snacks and drinks during the session. There are about 100 places available (subject to staffing) and as a result this facility is often over subscribed. The GAP club is OFSTED registered and the Manager and DSL is Michele Taylor.

If you are new to the school and would like to request a new place for GAP Club from September 2024, please click on the request form link below. If we have a place available you will be notified and asked to fill in a booking form. 

GAP Google Form 

Please click on the link below for the Booking Form, Care plan, Terms and Conditions and Child Information Sheet. 

 GAP Booking Form

To contact the GAP Club please phone 07703 565982  (messages picked up from 15:00) or email: gapclub@cleves.co.uk

Travelling to and from school
Like most schools, Cleves suffers from traffic congestion both before and after school.  If coming by car please ensure you park safely and with consideration for other Cleves families, road users and neighbours.  Please ensure the pedestrian crossing is used when crossing Oatlands Avenue.  Obviously walking (at least part of the way) is desirable and probably saves time.  We are happy for accompanied children to cycle to school and are actively encouraging the development of cycle paths around the area. We have recently doubled the number of cycle racks available. We have a cycle permission form for cycling to and from school which can be obtained from Reception or via the link below. 

Cycling Permission Form

Cycling in and around the school grounds is not permitted - all cyclists must dismount and enter the grounds through the Safety Gate.

Extra Curricular Clubs

There is a varied selection of clubs, both before and after school.  For more information please contact the school office or visit the relevant pages on the school website - click here for the link.


It is obviously vital that pupils' school attendance is maximised, including arriving promptly in their classroom for an 08:45 start. Illness should be reported before 09:15 via email to absence@cleves.co.uk or by calling school on 01932 224300 and leaving a message on the Welfare voicemail (option 2).  

Cleves does not authorise holiday or time out of school during term time, unless in an emergency.  If you need to make such a request, please email the Welfare Officer via the absence line at absence@cleves.co.uk .  For more detailed information please click here.

For NHS guidance on whether your child is too ill to attend school, please click here.


Learning Together