Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice is a significant area of whole school life as we feel it is important to teach the children life skills and give them opportunities to practise these skills in real life situations.

  • We encourage children to take responsibility for their behaviour through our Assertive Discipline Approach

  • Through our target setting approach, we enable children to take responsibility for their learning, to know their strengths and to address their weaknesses

  • Children have an input into the curriculum through saying what they would like to learn about a topic

  • Children are able to evaluate their lessons and topics constructively, stating what has worked for them and how the lesson could have been better.

We have a range of Pupil Voice roles at Cleves and these are growing all the time.

School Council

We have 24 classes at Cleves. Each of these classes elects a representative from their class to attend meetings. The School Council meets at least once a month, It discusses important issues that affect pupils and it contributes to making the school a better place to be for everyone. School Council members bring their classes' ideas to the meeting and discuss what to do, then feedback to their classes. A Chair Person and Secretary are elected for each term and organise an agenda and the minutes for the meetings. The School Council drew up the Cleves School Code of Conduct and reviews this annually. 

The School Council is also responsible for choosing our charity annually.


We have 24 Mentors at Cleves each year and these are pupils who are in Year 6. They have 3 main roles:

  • To act as a good role model for the other children
  • To be ambassadors for the school
  • To look after the Year 3 children during their induction and first year at Cleves

We choose the mentors in the Summer Term of Year 5 so that they can get to know the Year 2 children at Induction. They receive training in their role and do a fantastic job!

House Captains

At Cleves the children are split into four houses. Each house has a boy and girl House Captain and Vice Captain. In their houses the children compete against each other in sporting and academic competitions. The House Captains help teachers organise events and are role models for the children in their house.

Peer Mediators

These children help others to resolve minor playtime and lunchtime disputes. They receive training for this role and operate on a rota system.  

Sports Crew

The Sports Crew are pupils who set up and run games on the playground at break time and lunchtime. They receive training and are also involved in the running of competitions and festivals.

Associate Governors

We have Associate Governors in each year group who work as part of a team with the adult governors and the school's Leadership Tema. They have half termly meetings with the Chair of Governors and attend full Governor meetings for the first part. Their job is to reflect on strategic issues for the school and to give the pupil perspective.

Associate Governors are invited to serve at Cleves for their first year at Secondary School.

Digital Leaders

Digital leaders are pupils in every class who are experts in IT. They ensure the digital devices in the school are collected and put away appropriately and work with the Computing Coordinator to trial new pieces of software and become experts in a certain area before it is taught to the class. They are then in a position to help and support the class teacher.

Eco Warriors

Eco Warriors are pupils from Years 4, 5 and 6. This team meets regularly to promote awareness and ensure that the school is meeting the targets outlined in the Action Plan. They also discuss fundraising ideas, design posters to promote current projects, carry out school wide competitions and present news to the school in assembly and on the radio.

Radio Crew

This is a small crew of radio presenters and technicians. These pupils organise the weekly radio news show and teach other children how to use the radio equipment.

Learning Together