Policies and Documents

Please find below a list of Policies and Documents that you may find useful.

Date Added: February 2022

Admission Arrangements 2023

Date Added: April 2021

Admissions Arrangements 2022

Date Added: March 2020

Admissions Arrangements 2021

Date Added: Jan 2024

Antibullying Policy

Date Added: Jan 2024

Attendance Management Policy 2022

Date Added: Jan 2024

Behaviour Policy

Date Added: Jan 2024

Charging and Remissions Policy

Date Added: June 2024

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Date Added: January 2024

Children With Health Needs Who Cannot Attend School Policy

Date Added: October 2023

Complaints Policy 2023

Date Added: Jan 2022

COVID Contingency Plan

Date Added: Jan 2024

Data Protection Policy

Date Added: Dec 2021

E-Safety Policy

Date Added: Jan 2024

Equality Policy

Date Added: Jan 2022

First Aid Policy

Date Added: Apr 2021

Freedom of Information Publication Scheme

Date Added: Jan 2022

ICT Acceptable Use Policy

Date Added: Apr 2023

Lettings Policy

Date Added: Nov 2019

Maths Progression in Calculations Policy

Date Added: Jan 2024

Mental Health and Well Being Policy

Date Added: Jan 2024

Pupil Premium Policy

Date Added: Mar 2021

Relationships & Sex Education Policy & Procedure

Date Added: Jan 2022

Remote Learning Policy

Date Added: Dec 2020

Safeguarding Information for Visitors and Volunteers

Date Added: Jan 2024

School Accessibility Plan

Date Added: Dec 2020

School Safeguarding Statement

Date Added: Jun 2023

SEND Information Report (Summer 2022)

Date Added: June 2023

SEND Policies & Procedures

Date Added: Jan 2022

Statement of procedures for dealing with allegations of abuse against staff and trustees

Date Added: July 2021

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Date Added: Dec 2017

Travel Plan 2017

Date Added: July 2020

Travel Policy

Date Added: Sept 2023

Whistleblowing Policy

Learning Together