"We have always felt listened to and I am particularly grateful for the excellent way that you have dealt with the pandemic. The communication has been excellent and Cleves has continued to feel like a very steady presence in our life"


From September 2014, there have been major changes to the way in which Education and Health services work together with parents and carers to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.  As a school, we are required to make available information about how we identify and provide for children with additional needs in our school.  Every school has been asked to submit a SEND Information Report to the Local Authority and make this report available to parents and carers. Please find the report with other information below:

SEND Information Report (Summer 2024)

SEND Policy & Procedure 2023

We make every effort to meet the demands of children with SEN. Please contact the SENCO for more information, Mrs Grafton at jgrafton@cleves.co.uk

The SEND Surrey Local Offer website provides a window to the SEND system and the support services that are available within Surrey for children and young people with SEND and their families. It is also a mechanism for feeding back in order to improve the systems and range of services available.

It is a community resource which has been developed in partnership with health, education, social care and parents.

To access the website please click here click here.

Learning Together