“The work on show in the different year groups was amazing; it was evident that a lot of time and effort had gone into the work on display.”

IT and Computing

At Cleves, we believe in developing students that are confident using a wide range of IT platforms and software. In addition to the use of IT across all subjects in the curriculum, we believe that computing itself is a vitally important concept. One hour per week is specifically timetabled for the allocation of delivering the computing curriculum which builds vital skills and confidence in the students.

The students have access to the following devices for the delivery of the Curriculum:

  • 70 Chromebooks in every year group
  • 60 iPads
  • 30 laptops
  • A set of Virtual Reality headsets
  • An exclusive multimedia room
  • A radio station which the children broadcast from weekly
  • Apple Macs - For use in Library sessions and at lunchtimes

The curriculum we provide ensures that students develop a deep understanding of in a range of computing aspects. The curriculum builds on skills and knowledge learned in previous years and ensures that students are challenged in exciting and innovative ways. 

  • Digital Citizenship, which is at the core of all we do, ensures that students have a clear awareness of the issues faced when using new technologies and how to best protect themselves from negative experiences. A vital part of this ensures children have up to date information on online safety strategies and how to deal with online content that makes them feel comfortable. 
  • Coding and programming are presented using a number of platforms and touches on different coding languages. This includes Scratch/hour of code (website), HTML and lego. Finally, this culminates in the use of Lego Mindstorms in year 6 where students develop a real deep understanding of coding/programming language.
  • Computing skills looks at the fundamentals of using a range of programmes and Apps which includes the main Google programmes ( Docs, Sheets, Forms and Slides ) which will be used in the wider curriculum. 
  • Music/Animation - students are challenged to be more creative using current apps to develop musical and animated projects. 
  • 3-D Computer Aided Design - We use a CAD program to help students explore the possibilities of design and follow this up with the production of items on our 3D printers. 
  • AI - In this introductory unit children cover the uses of AI and what it is useful for, have a opportunity to look at text to image possibilities and discover how AI can help them to enhance their learning. 

We fully believe that the computing experience at Cleves produces confident and engaged students who are ready to face the digital challenges that lie ahead, in this ever-changing environment. 

To read more about the intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum at Cleves, please click the link below.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

Learning Together