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Art and DT

At Cleves, we are very fortunate to have well-equipped art studio and we are therefore committed to giving the children regular Art lessons that involve using the Art Studio.

We believe that it is vital for children to develop an understanding of different techniques and this is shown through the diverse art curriculum that we provide to our children at Cleves. It is important for children to be able to express themselves creatively and they are given the opportunity to do this in a variety of different ways.

Each term, the year groups will spend half a term on Art and the other half of the term focusing on a DT project. These can sometimes be linked: for example in Year 4, the children focus on designing their own Rangoli pattern, which they then print onto fabric. The children then use their printed fabric to design and create their own waistcoats.

We have planned our art and DT curriculum so that each year the children are building upon skills from previous years and then developing new skills alongside this. We feel that it is important for children to experience using a range of materials including oil pastels, paints, clay, textiles, weaving and many more. As a school, we also provide the children with the experience to present their Art or DT projects in a variety of ways including on canvases and ‘big art’ being carried out on big paper.

Throughout their time at Cleves, the children study the work of many artists. These artists we study include: David Shepard, Frida Kahlo, Hundertwasser, Andy Warhol, Georgia O’Keefe, Nicholas Kowalski and Franz Kline.

To read more about the intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum at Cleves, please click the link below.

Intent, Implementation and Impact



Learning Together