"Cleves equips children for the future, to be adaptable, to build on experience and to take every opportunity presented."

Absence Reporting

Regular attendance at Cleves is important for continuity of learning. However during the course of a school career there are likely to be occasions when absence is unavoidable and acceptable. Each absence is classed as authorised or unauthorised. Absences are coded as authorised where reasons are considered valid and unauthorised where no explanation or unacceptable reasons are given.

If your child is unable to attend school through illness you should inform us  by email or telephone on every day of absence.  It would also be useful to know the expected day of return if you in a position to state this.

There are two ways you can report absence 

Where the child is absent through illness or medical appointments this will normally be counted as authorised.  Where we have concerns over absence patterns through illness we may ask to meet parents and seek further information from health professionals in order to gain a fuller picture of the problems and to offer support.  

Medical/Dental Appointments are best arranged outside school hours, but we accept that this is not always possible.  Where children need to attend such appointments during the school day proof of the appointment (e.g. appointment card/letter) should be provided. On the day of the appointment it is important that parents come first to the main office before collecting your child.  Please then return them  to the office after the appointment so that they can sign in.  Please inform the school in writing in advance of such appointments. 

There are some occasions, for example bereavements, where it may be inappropriate for children to attend school. We will of course be sympathetic to such needs. 

For all other types of absence, unless there are exceptional circumstances which are agreed to by the school in advance, the absence will be unauthorised. Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable and for which no permission has been given. This type of absence can lead to the school using sanctions and/or legal proceedings. Examples of such types are:

  • Looking after others at home
  • Visiting relatives
  • Taking long weekends
  • Shopping trips
  • Special treats
  • Going on holiday
  • Viewing sporting events (as opposed to taking part in pre-agreed sporting events)
  • Year 5 Taster Sessions at Secondary Schools

For all of the above you should put a request in writing to the school via the following email address - absence@cleves.co.uk at least two weeks in advance of the absence. 

Learning Together