“As a parent I feel grateful and privileged that my daughter has been a pupil at Cleves and I want to thank the staff wholeheartedly for providing such a high quality education.”


We passionately believe in a strong and positive partnership between pupil, parent and school. We foster an open door policy and believe that good communication between parent and school is vital in order for our children to succeed. Each term we hold parent teacher meetings. We have an extremely active and supportive Parent Teacher Association (PTA) with many social events throughout the year. Parents/carers are encouraged and welcomed to support in school. 

We believe it is important for our children to learn about and play a role in our wider local community and we actively look for ways to make this happen, for example through links with our local church, where our children give musical performances, collecting food items for local foodbanks, a close link with the local care homes where are children visit every Christmas and through activively support local events such as the Oatlands Village Fayre and Walton Festival of Light.

More widely we help our children to learn about other communities through the curriculum and through practical activites such as penfriendships with a school in la Réunion, specific global studies in each year group and through awareness of events that take place across the world (e.g. Chinese new year)

Learning Together